What do you want to be when you grow up?? A guide for the budding professional dancer.
Tuesday 18th January 2022
If dancing has become more than a hobby or a passion for you and you are thinking about carrying on professionally then read on! Becoming a professional dancer takes dedication and hard work. It won't always be easy, but the journey will be exciting, fulfilling and worthwhile. There are so many avenues you can go down. The variety of vocational colleges and courses has increased incredibly over the years and all the information out there can become overwhelming. So, we have a few pointers for you right here to get you started! Vocational dance colleges take pupils from the age of 16 years old, though we do advise you to stay at school and get your A-Levels so you have more education behind you,…
How to keep yourself in a dance mindset over Christmas and New Year
Monday 20th December 2021
Christmas is of course about spending time with loved ones and getting in the festive spirit, but as dancers we also need to make sure we are keeping our dance mindset. It is important to keep yourself flexible and strong. This is what the pro dancers do and the habit you should be getting into. Unfortunately you can quickly lose what you have worked so hard to gain, and you have worked SO hard, it would be a shame to take a step back. Some basic stretches and exercises (examples of which are below) is all you need to do in between term times. Rest is also important for the body. Allowing yourself time to recuperate is just as important as keeping…
Why do we wear uniforms for dance?
Wednesday 17th November 2021
"I think it's a beautiful thing when you wear a uniform or a garb which represents a group of people, because what it immediately symbolizes is oneness, togetherness" - Nia Long (actress) Dancers have worn their "uniforms" to perform for centuries. It is strange to call them uniforms as you never like to think that you are wearing this "uniform" to carry out a job. You are doing what you love to do. When we dance, we are creating art. Our art form needs to be respected and shown the grace and glamour it deserves. Traditionally all ballet dancers wear their leotards and tutus to show respect to their art form and all the ballet dancers which came before them. Most professions wear…
Saturday 6th November 2021
Michelle Sidwell
Summer at MSAOD has been full of exciting things for our students. We have some exceptional dancers here and felt that we needed to let you know how proud we are of you all!! So we have dedicated the November Blog to you! Firstly, we want to say a huge congratulations to all students who took their exams back in June this year. They had been delayed 3 times due to Covid, but we have seen a 100% pass rate this year which is absolutely incredible! We are so proud of you all! The next congratulations must go to our girls Polly and Amber, who appeared in a production of Annie at The Brook Theatre in Chatham from 29th-31st October. We are…